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Family Lodge Hatagoya Dannoura PA
5-1 Dannouracho, 751-0814
Non Valutato
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Valutato dagli ospiti
Non Valutato
Cosa offre questo posto
Servizi e comodità
Ristorazione, bevande e snack
Servizio in camera [24 ore su 24]
Accesso a Internet
Wi-Fi gratuito in tutte le camere!, Wi-Fi nelle aree pubbliche
Dove dormirai
Standard Twin Room, 2 Queen Beds, Smoking (Only accessible from the down-lane on highway)
2 queen beds
Standard Room (with 2 150 cm Beds&Light Breakfast) , Only Accessible from the down-Lane on Highway
2 queen beds
Standard Twin Room, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking (Only accessible from the down-lane on highway)
2 queen beds
standard twin room 2 queen beds accessible from down lane on highway
Room Assigned on Arrival
Standard Twin Room, 2 Queen Beds (Only accessible from the down-lane on highway)
Whole Motel (Smoking & Non-smoking room, 14 units), Only accessible from the down-lane on highway
28 king beds
standard room 2 150cm beds & light accessible from down lane on highway
Room Assigned on Arrival
1 single bed
Family Lodge Hatagoya Dannoura PA
Shimonoseki, Giappone
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